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Универсален оптичен кабел 24F 50/125 OM3 LSZH, Assmann
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DK-35242/3-U, Опт. кабел 24F 50/125 OM3 LSZH Univer. Assmann
LSZH – low smoke zero halogen
Longitudinaly and laterally water-resistant
Glass yarn armoured
Non-metal rodent protection
Metal free
Core diameter : 50.0 ± 2.5 µm
Cladding diameter : 124.8 ± 1.0 µm
Core-non-circularity : ≤ 5.0 %
Cladding-non-circularity : ≤ 1.0 %
Core-cladding concentricity error : ≤ 1.0 µm
Coating diameter : 245 ± 7 µm
Coating non-circularity : ≤ 6.0 %
Cladding-coating concentricity error : ≤ 12.0 µm
OFL bandwidth : at 850mm : ≥ 1500 MHz x km ; at 1300mm : ≥ 500 MHz x km
Effective modal bandwidth : at 850mm : ≥ 2000 MHz x km ; at 1300mm : ≥ 500 MHz x km
Attenuation coefficient : at 850nm : ≤ 2.3 dB/km ; at 1300nm : ≤ 0.6 dB/km
fiber count (OM3) : 2 ~ 72 pc
Max. number of loose tube : 6 pc
Fiber number per tube : 12 pc
Loose tube : 2.3 ± 0.2 mm
Strenght member : FRP
Outer sheath : material : LSZH, CPR Dca, EN 50575: 2014+ A1: 2016 ; thickness : 1,6mm ; diameter : 12.0 ± 0.5mm
Max. allowable pulling force : 1500 N
crush resistance : 1000 N/100mm
Cable weight : 300 ± 10 % kg/km
Standard lenght : 4 ± 5 % KMS
Temperature range : transport and storage : - 40°C to + 70°C ; installation : - 40°C to + 60°C ; operation : - 40°C to + 70°C
Min. bending radius : installation : 20 x OD ; operation : 10 x OD