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LN-ECO-FR48US-BL-F, LANDE, Вертикална рамка 48U D:80mm, компл., 2 бр.
  • LN-ECO-FR48US-BL-F, LANDE, Вертикална рамка 48U D:80mm, компл., 2 бр.

LANDE, Вертикална рамка 48U D:80mm, компл.. 2 бр

218,88 лв.
С вкл. данък


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48U D:80mm комплект вертикални елементи за отворен тип 19" шкаф (рамка).

1 комплект =2 бр вертикални шини, включва L части и фиксиращи крепежни елементи

Комбинира се с основа за рамки.

ECOframe Open Racks are designed to perform for the best cost conduciton to customers, with the strong and sturdy design, customer friendly assembly instructions, and superior logistical cost saving thanks to the intelligent flat packing mode. Totaly Modular System designed, with quick assembly timing.

ECOframe Open Racks are proper for secure IT rooms, Labratories, Clean rooms where no any door or panels required on the system for protection of IT equipments. As well the Ecoframe open rack systems would provide the best passive ventilation, but requires climatized and clean IT rooms. In respect to the design which does not have door or panels, simply would provide the economical offer for network housing, in parallel functioning to mainly Security and Surveliance applications, audio video applications, Server and Storage applications. While product gives maximum performance in parallel provides a very valuable economy compared to its quality which is based on high technologic fully automated industry.

The ECOframe series is available in 5 heights from 27U through to 48U, and in certain sizes a choice of depth is also available including 600, 800 and 1000mm options. The wide product height portfolio meets any U requirement in infrastructure needs. The product range allows with 1000mm depth versions, usage in private / low density server and storage applications.

ECOframe series have a professional technical but aesthetic look with the mostly environmentally fit and selected color of RAL 9005 Black, and RAL 7035 Light Grey, with fine wrinkle soft touch paint. Completely standard and stocked product portfolio, being delivered as un-assembled in flat pack, as shipping configuration the adjustable feet group is included. ECOframe series product range with optimal panel mounting size, and a variety range of accesorries enclose the whole expectation of users.


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